Saturday, September 27, 2008

Meting the Midwife

Monday morning I went to the Women's Health Center for my first appointment with my midwife Tricia. She was wonderful! She did an ultrasound (sorry, no pictures yet) and based on the measurements we are currently at 7 weeks. Everything looks great so far! The next appointment is October 22nd, we will do another ultrasound where hopefully we will be able to hear a heartbeat and get pictures. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Welcome Morning Sickness!

Keegan is very excited about becoming a big sister. Our first Doctor appointment was today at 12:30. Waiting for it took forever! I met morning sickness at 9:30 this morning. That's going to be fun, throwing-up with no warning. Of course Carlos was 5 minutes early to pick me up and I was running about 15 minutes behind. Dr. England is no longer delivering, but will see patients for their first pregnancy visit. We have an 8th urine test (and an internal exam, yuck) to confirm our suspicions! Everything looks great, she thinks that I'm around 6 weeks with an expected due date of  May 12 (this will probably change). We went to get blood work, schedule our first ultrasound (next Thursday!) and out to an early dinner to celebrate. I called the Bethany Women's Center and have an appointment with a midwife on Monday.....more to come! 

September 9, 2008

A missed period, frequent bathroom trips during the night, and a VERY keen sense of smell = A positive test! And then because I didn't believe that one, I did 6 more. Yup, still positive. It feels too good to be true. We are very excited!I took the test when I got home from work and was not expecting the result.  I called Corey and she calmed me down and suggested waiting and doing the second test before telling Carlos. I went downstairs and couldn't keep from smiling, Carlos knew something was up but I was determined to wait until the second test. That didn't work (am I that transparent?) I took him upstairs and showed him, on an "excited scale" of 1-10, he was an 11. We called my parents, Carlos' mom and got to talk to Jeremy and Ally.