Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Big Arrival

I'll start this by saying: Carlos, you were right. There, I said it. He called me crazy when I wanted to take HypnoBirthing (google it if you're interested) classes instead of Lamaze. We practiced, we relaxed, we visualized. I listened to the recording each night (well, almost each night). After  being induced due to being 41 weeks 5 days with NO sign of labor coming with a drug the midwife referred to as "vaginal dynamite" I cried "EPIDURAL!!!!" Disappointed that our 2 1/2 page birth plan (and $300 for the classes) went out the window, I took a moment and focused on much bigger and better things: Olivia.

She joined us at 5:38 am on May 22nd weighing in at 8lbs 12 oz and 20.5 inches long. I remember the midwife lovingly saying "Laurie, her head is out, would you like to feel it?" to which I replied "NO, I WANT TO KEEP PUSHING!" After the next push, I was asked to reach down to receive the little life that had been growing for 9 months. I pulled her up to my chest, she started crying, then preceded to poop all over me. Aaahh, welcome to motherhood.

The first week being a parent has come with a lot. We are lucky enough to have my parents and Carlos' Mom and sister (yes, 2 first-time Grandmas in the same house) here. They have been incredibly helpful in so many ways (I'm continuously amazed at how much friggin' advice and old wives tales there are! Oy Vey) I find myself staring at her, overwhelmed with love and amazement that she is here. She's the love of my life.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sitting, waiting, wishing......

So I never promised to be good at maintaining a blog...... Olivia's due date is tomorrow and as of right now there is NO sign that she's on her way. It's funny what people recommend to try that will help get things started: spicy food, root beer, mangoes, ginger chicken, and, of course, sex. We are getting excited to meet her though. It's nice being home right now and having the time and energy to sit and do this. My Mom came a week ago and is in her glory cooking and cleaning. Dad will come at the end of the month as will Carlos' Mom and sister. We will post more once she's here!