Monday, July 27, 2009

2 Months!

So this time is my turn to post info on Olivia's blog... Laurie and I apologize for not keeping up with it but we have been very occupied playing and admiring our baby daughter. (I have done most of the playing) 

Last week she had her 2-month visit to the pediatrician and once again, he confirmed we have  a healthy baby. Her official measurements were 15lb 4oz and 24.75 in. She is growing strong.

Also last week, her aunt Ally came to town and we went on our first day trip to Sedona, quick picnic and hike. Good times had by all. 

This week she will stay with me in the mornings and with Mom in the evenings, the only thing we have to get done is getting her a passport for her upcoming trip to Mexico City on September... other than that we'll keep playing and enjoying her smiles (no laughs yet, bu working on it!)