Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Music to the Ears

We had our second appointment with the midwife today. Using a Doppler machine, she was able to locate the heartbeat for a brief few seconds. We have a strong beat of 160 bpm! It is definately the most beautiful sound we have ever heard. Everything looks great. We are still deciding if we want to find out the sex, any input is appreciated. In December, we will get an ultrasound with photos and will be able to "find out" if we decide to.


Jenna Stitzel said...

How cool is that! Congrats! Marc was very anti "finding out the sex" but I'm all for it! :) Let me know what you find out! HA!

Leah said...

YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!! well, based on folklore a heart rate of above 150 means a boy!!! or is it a girl? well, before we decided to have a midwife, ben and i were with (curmudgeon of) an ob who said he was sure it was a boy based on the heart rate of 153. he was right, but really he only had 2 choices and said he was wrong about 80% of the time. anyway, we are so thrilled for you guys and look forward to updates!

Ally Keller said...

Hey!!! I finally figured out how to register with Google blogger so I can leave comments and stay updated with everything. Geez, Ally. I love reading all of your posts and being a part of this process...what a special way to keep track of everything that is going on. Jeremy and I are so excited!!! Looking forward to hearing more....I know on the phone the other night you weren't wanting to know the baby's sex. I vote yes! Haha ;o) That is if you're still taking you!

From Mandy: I'm so excited for you guys..yay!!!! The first time I heard Ben's heartbeat, I balled my eyes out. Awesome moment, feel ya there!! My opinion is that finding out the sex of the baby helped me form a stronger connection to Ben before he was born because in a sense I knew who he was, but that's just my opinion! I also really like to be prepared. Either way, it will be very special. Have you checked out ?? They have a Chinese baby calendar that predicts the sex of the baby. It was right for me and has been right for all of my friends so far. Have fun...looking forward to seeing you at Christmas!! Love to you, baby Composeco, and Brooke :o)